Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Kith and Kin: Snapshots/ The Bangalore Launch.

Kith and Kin launched at Oxford Bookstore, 
1 MG Mall, Bangalore on 27 July 2012

                           Sudeshna Shome Ghosh of Rupa Publications introduces K and K.

                                           Writer Anita Nair releases the book.

                                           Tahatto's Prashanth Nair and Kalyani Kumar do
                                                  a dramatised reading of `Guru Cool.`

                                      People who came to meet the Melekats.

Anita and me... talking about the Melekats, of course.

                                      Getting the speech bit over and done with.

                       With close friend and mentor-of-sorts, writer Shine Antony.

                        Prasad Bidapa was among the old friends who dropped by.

          With  Shanavas Pn whose amazing photographs grace the front and
                                   back cover of K and K.


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